So today I had a hair appointment and had other errands to run in town. My appointment wasn't until 10 so I didn't have to leave till 9:30. I got up with Bean and Mr. sent them off on the bus and he left. I, went back to sleep. It was fantastic until I started to have a strange dream about my old car and not being able to drive anymore. The car started to make all these weird ringing and beep noises at me and I realized that the phone was ringing. Oh shit!! Not a problem but, my arms were so numb (I fell asleep on them) and you know how it is when you are waken up from a stupor.
Guess "boss". He gives me this big spiel about how he would like me to get all this shit done by the end of the week and find a very important piece of paper (that nobody knows the whereabouts) because person XYZ needs it by today. And he and his wife and kids are off to the zoo and they are moving hotels to be next to the beach.
what?? OK I will see what I can do for you.
OK What ever...I look at the clock and it's shortly after 9. After my heart slows down, I realized it was a good thing he called because I probably would have slept until 11.
Then the phone rings again about 5 minutes later. It's "bosses" Dad. He told me the same thing about the important papers business as if "boss" hadn't called him. People, I get told what to do most of the time, twice.
I got up and had a quick breakfast, washed my faced, got dressed and out the door I went. Oh my land. It was fantastic outside. At 9:40 it was already 28 degrees and the frost was absolutely beautiful! I cursed my appointment because I wanted to get the camera out and go take shots around the countryside but alas, Neely called....(Neely is my hair girl) So I was done with my appointment earlier than expected and ran all the errands all without my jacket.
Since my hair appointment and errands took less time than I thought, which was nice, I had time to stop and get some other things done at work that I had said I would.
We haven't this nice weather in a long time.
Perfect timing all around. Dinner was made, laundry was shuffled and I have Ice Cream making in the basement and it is almost done. That will my icing on the top of a beautiful day for me.
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