Monday, May 14, 2007

Could have been better.

I told my kids that I didn't want them to buy me anything for Mothers Day. I told them that all I wanted was PEACE, no fighting, no crying, whining,or yelling. I think it went well.
Quinn woke me up early and gave my a lovely "free" gift before he left for work. The bean wakes up and tells my she has to go potty and that there isn't any t.p.. Then this exchange happen:
Bean: "Is today Mother's Day?"
Me: Why yes it is.
B: "Oh, well I want something to drink and I want pancakes!"
M: "Pancakes sound fantastic!!"
B: "NO I want waffles! You know the ones with the squares."
M: "mmmkay. (thinking, thank land there are toaster waffles)"

So I made her, her breakfast and went to lay back down in bed and watch Sunday morning politics.
Jon got up a little later and I told him that pancakes sounded good for breakfast. Wouldn't you know that Boy made me breakfast in bed and didn't fight with his sister at all!!!
So I got up and prepared myself to mow. I mowed my lawn from about 10 till 12:45. I did this on purpose because I am in desperate need of serious "sol"...
Afterwards I was thinking about what I could do and then got word that I could go fishing. OMG
Now I love to fish, I love to catch them, and eat them, don't get me wrong. But, I had to load up my gear, drive into town, stop and get gas and fishing licence, drive out to the lake, unload gear, rig Beans pole, fish, load everything back up, drive home, fillet the fish, cook them, get Bean her bath, eat, get her to bed, aaaaaaa. I was so tired by the end of the day...
So all in all it was a good day, but...

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