Saturday, August 4, 2007

A months' worth

Holy Shit! I can't beleive I haven't posted anything here in like a month. So I guess I have a lot to talk about. but first I have to go turn the fan off....


First off I will tell you that I am so relieved that this last week is over. It was the most stressfull week I have had in a long time. With the wedding and the funeral, all wihtin a few days, I was wiped out.
The wedding (my brothers and his "significant other") went well, I felt like a million bucks but after looking at the pictures I looked like a million pounds. Sheila looked very pretty in her dress. Her and my mother tried to oh, fool me?? I don't know. I had helped Sheila pick out a dress, and apparently she didn't really like it, so she returned it and bought a different one. I thought they were both beautiful. I don't know what the point was of them not telling me, they kept it a "secret"?? Why, I have no clue? oh well like I said, I am glad its over.
Oh, I should also say that with out the help of my boy and I their wedding would have totally sucked in the music department. Jon and I stayed up way late to put together a CD of tunes that were totally apropros. The CD that my mother bought had some shitty ass music on it. And I had to download "Here comes the bride" because it wasn't on there. Your welcome.
The reception was, well, how do you say it....empty. Let's see. The only person on Sheila's side of the family that was there was here Grandmother. All of Jeff's (my) family was there that live in the area and a few of their friends. They had about 30 tables all set up and pretty. Only about 8 of them were used. I felt bad for them.
I figure if she hadn't burnt so many bridges with her family and wasn't such a lying manipulative person, she may have had more people there. I guess it didn't help that Gerry had died and then more people from Quinn and my family would have been there but you can't stop life.
I danced up a sweat and had a good time. Bean danced to all but one song and Quinn even danced too. I got Jon to dance one with me too, that was awesome. We left early because bean was tired and it was about time for me to go home anyway.

About Gerry, he had died on Friday at the Airventure show in Oshkosh. He was landing his P-51 plane and it hit the back of another, flipped and blew up. The video is here. There are many other accounts of it online if you are interested. Just search Gerald S Beck. He was a good Uncle. I think he was evena a better dad. He love ice cream and cookies. He was a staunch Republican and he and I had a standing joke that he was my favorite Republican. The service at the air museum was wonderful. Every one did a fabulous job. Thank you all.

On to other news, Quinn and I went to the CarCraft Summer Nationals a few weeks ago. It was so fun. I love driving around in his Mustang. People just dig it. Their were so many cars there it was un real. We walked around blocks and blocks and saw all sorts of cars. just awesome. You can see some of the pictures in Flickr.

I took my Aunt Jo out kyaking on the lake on Monday. That was fun. I told her that she would get sunburnt and she was all...I don't burn, hahaha we both got it.

Well we had fun anyway. So that's all I can think of now so I will write again soon.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Funniest thing I heard all day.

So I had to run into town this afternoon to get yet another loaner car. First they put me in a 300C then they gave me a Denali. Nice vehicles, no doubt, I am not complaining. I don't have to pay for any of it. So I went in and today they gave me a G. Cherokee, not as nice as mine, but how does it go? Beggers can't be choosers.
It is a decent ride.
So while I was in town I figured I would swing into the old Wal-Mart and develop the pictures I had on my flash drive. So I am in there...waiting...I figure I should get a cart because I needed laundry supplies and on the way to the carts I see this dad come in with his daughter and he is hanging up his cell phone and kindof laughing. He grabs a cart and his daughter looks up at him says...
"Daddy, why did you say your pants were on fire?"

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Always a first.

So, on Friday, Jon and I were on our way to go to the movies to see 1408. We had just gotten done with supper and Bean went with my mom. When I had turned onto Lincoln (which is a main street through town) and driving along when an asshole pulled out and hit my car. Nobody was seriously injured, Jon has a scraped knee and I have a sprained neck. The kid that hit me, who knows, I think he was ok. I will post pictures on Flickr. When I have a chance.
This was not a good start to my weekend. More to come.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Which Pinup am I??

What Pin Up girl are you?

you are the smartie pants! you're very intectual and love to read and write..its all'll be successful later on in life!
Take this quiz!

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Screaming meemee.

No, I don't have the shits. People, my dog does not bark. She screams.

It is not normal. When she sees a bird or rabbit or squirrel, she screams. What's even worse, if she sees a pheasant, she looses her shit completely and freaks out. It is a sight to behold.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Cuz it's all about me.

I have seen this on other sites and thought that maybe whoever reads this would be interested. Be forewarned, If you are not interested in me, please, click on the little x in the far right upper corner.

1. I have 3 major fears. Fire, mold, and something happening to my children like them getting killed, hurt, kidnapped, etc.,
I have another fear that is bothersome; old style vans. especially blue ones with no windows on the side.
2. I am too liberal for my own good. I do not care for the ideals of most Republicans. On the other hand, I am getting quite sick of Dems too. On that note, I am going to have to go for Obama in 08. That is if he is still in the running.
3. In my "young" age, I have become way to opinionated and honest about things. This is what I like/dislike, if you don't like it, whatever. I also will make it known that I either like you or not. I think I need a little adjustment on this and practice in tactics.
4. I am way overweight but not enough to qualify for lap band surgery. Dammit. I don't want to qualify for it either but hell if I want to quit eating. I just need to get back into the healthy swing of things again.
5. I like most people and enjoy making new friends. That said, if I find you are ignorant, I will drop you like a hot glass dish fresh out of the oven.
6. I am way NOT religious. In fact, I dislike most organized religions. I don't have a problem if you or your neighbor worship JC, Allah, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or whatevah! I just prefer not to.

So there you have it. A few tidbits about me. Take it or leave it. Now write 6 things about yourself.

So there you have it. A few things about me

My June.

And again I see why I like the fact that Blog spot is free, I don't post enough to pay to have a "real" website. I have been monkeying with Myspace but quite frankly, I dislike it.

These last few weeks have been quite, oh, normal. Nothing out of the ordinary but I thought I would again give you my update in bullet form:

  • We have had quite the weather here. Way to wet for any ones taste. More rain to come today which we all do not care for or want. We had some overland flooding and the river just couldn't take it all in at once so some fields were under for a few days.

  • I got a call from an old friend of mine to out for some BINGO! last night. I had a good time with her and because we split the pot we each ended up with 30.00 which covered the cost of the evening. I hope next time we go out that I actually win a game or two along with her so we can home with even more winnings. We did go out last winter and I think we both walked out with like 100.00 each. That's what I'm talking about. (Hi J!!)

  • I went fishing last weekend with Quinn and Gramps, I was hoping for a few good Crappie and sunfish to cook up and I ended up with an (to me) enormous Bass!! I caught it on the new pole Quinn bought for me. I think it was pure luck. You can see pictures of them before I cooked them.

  • Work has been going well, slow, but well. I got a raise at my last review so I cannot complain about these awesome people that I work for.

  • As I am typing this, the Storm is approaching. I hear thunder and the rain is starting. Not Good.

  • My brothers Fiancee' has yet to call me to ask for any help with any of the wedding stuff. I think I am glad, I really want no part of the whole farce, but, I love my brother so I will suffer through.

  • My garden is coming along swimmingly everything is up and as soon as it ever dries out I have to get out there and like a mofo.

OK I am now home after a heinous tornado warning, downpour, and hail. omg. More to come, please stayed tuned.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Could have been better.

I told my kids that I didn't want them to buy me anything for Mothers Day. I told them that all I wanted was PEACE, no fighting, no crying, whining,or yelling. I think it went well.
Quinn woke me up early and gave my a lovely "free" gift before he left for work. The bean wakes up and tells my she has to go potty and that there isn't any t.p.. Then this exchange happen:
Bean: "Is today Mother's Day?"
Me: Why yes it is.
B: "Oh, well I want something to drink and I want pancakes!"
M: "Pancakes sound fantastic!!"
B: "NO I want waffles! You know the ones with the squares."
M: "mmmkay. (thinking, thank land there are toaster waffles)"

So I made her, her breakfast and went to lay back down in bed and watch Sunday morning politics.
Jon got up a little later and I told him that pancakes sounded good for breakfast. Wouldn't you know that Boy made me breakfast in bed and didn't fight with his sister at all!!!
So I got up and prepared myself to mow. I mowed my lawn from about 10 till 12:45. I did this on purpose because I am in desperate need of serious "sol"...
Afterwards I was thinking about what I could do and then got word that I could go fishing. OMG
Now I love to fish, I love to catch them, and eat them, don't get me wrong. But, I had to load up my gear, drive into town, stop and get gas and fishing licence, drive out to the lake, unload gear, rig Beans pole, fish, load everything back up, drive home, fillet the fish, cook them, get Bean her bath, eat, get her to bed, aaaaaaa. I was so tired by the end of the day...
So all in all it was a good day, but...

Could have been better.

I told my kids that I didn't want them to buy me anything for Mothers Day. I told them that all I wanted was PEACE, no fighting, no crying, whining,or yelling. I think it went well.
Quinn woke me up early and gave my a lovely "free" gift before he left for work. The bean wakes up and tells my she has to go potty and that there isn't any t.p.. Then this exchange happen:
Bean: "Is today Mother's Day?"
Me: Why yes it is.
B: "Oh, well I want something to drink and I want pancakes!"
M: "Pancakes sound fantastic!!"
B: "NO I want waffles! You know the ones with the squares."
M: "mmmkay. (thinking, thank land there are toaster waffles)"

So I made her, her breakfast and went to lay back down in bed and watch Sunday morning politics.
Jon got up a little later and I told him that pandcakes sounded good for breakfast. Wouldn't you know that booy made me breakfast in bed and didn't fight with his sister at all!!!
So I got up and prepared myself to mow. I mowed my lawn from about 10 till 12:45. I did this on purpose becuase I am in desperate need of seroius "sol"...
Afterwards I was thinking about what I could do and then got word that I could go fishing. OMG
Now I love to fish, I love to catch them, and eat them, don't get me wrong. But, I had to load up my gear, drive into town, stop and get gas and fishing licencse, drive out to the lake, unload gear, rig Beans pole, fish, load everything back up, drive home, fillet the fish, cook them, get Bean her bath, eat, get her to bed, aaaaaaa. I was so tired by the end of the day...
So all in all it was a good day, but...

Thursday, May 10, 2007

I'm so excited! and other stuff...

I am so freaking stoked!! (not in the stoned way...)

As you know my brother and his other, are getting married but, that's not what is getting my goat. My Sister (Hey Les!!) and our cousin (Hi J and JP) may be heading out to Majestic Minnesota to visit and attend!!! Hells Yeah!! I sure hope it comes through and they really do make it out. I wouldn't have to much to show them, maybe fishing or something but to be honest the only thing out here to see is , well, ME!! hehehee

OK I am now over it. In other news, the days are getting warmer, sunnier, and all around more fanfuckingtastic. I have a refill of my xanax, and am weaning of my paxil, hoping all goes well and I have NO MORE panic attacks.

I finished my one landscaping project (with the exception of one "bush" to plant, a purple dome Aster) and it will be on to the other area. I have to move post, left by my wonderful husband, and then amend the soil, dig the edging and place it, lay landscaping fabric, buy more plants to plant, plant, mulch. Viola! done.

If it only were as easy as it sounds. The only thing that is putting me on hold is my paycheck. as soon as the funds come in, I will be able to purchase all the pretties I need for the season.

I also need to finish planting my garden. Holy Crap I am off on that. I planted potatoes, onions, a few heads of cabbage, and beets. This was about 3 weeks ago and I only see that the onions are up. I am a little worried that I may have to replant some things. Well, not that worried. I know I still have some time. So hopefully I will get the tomatoes and peppers purchased soon and get those in the ground as well as the rest of the seeds. Wish me luck. If you call and I don't answer, I will be outside and out of earshot.

Quinn is a little frustrated with the farming. His ground has been to wet to get into. I think, well never mind what I think. Hopefully they will be able to get some fields planted so I don't have to slice my ears off with a sharp knife in order to stop the madness.

Oh! our water well pressure thingy, is taking a gigantic shit. It started in with it's constipation a few days ago, then last night, Jon was taking a shower and it passed a dump. It was kinda funny, Jon yelling and Quinn having to go into the dungeon to fix it until, I was in the shower. Mid shave of the bikini area and the water stops. WTF??? So when Quinn got it fixed, I was just ready to turn the shower off and it quits again. I get out and go tell him that it's out, he lost his nachos'. I tell you what, sometimes, he just can't get a break.

In addition to all the mundania, I am pushing Mr.G for addition work. If he hires me for at least a few hours a week, I can make my ends meet and buy my lip balm for the rest of the summer. He had surgery today, getting radiation wafers implanted. As if they are cookies, puhlease. Maybe someday he will see that he will make a good choice in hiring me. One less thing he will have to worry about. maybe.

Sammy girl has an appointment in two weeks to get groomed. She will be soooo pretty I will have to take lots of pictures. Now that we put the Frontline on her she is no longer a tick taxi. I tell you, I was getting really sick of picking those fuckers off of me in the middle of the night and having to flush them. It got old real quick.
I have taught her to sing a little. I think it was a mistake because now when she is all excited (like me) she howls. Roowww aarrrwwwwrrooorrww.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Something borrowed.

OK, so my brother told me a few months ago about his engagement to his girl friend. Needless to say I wasn't exactly super excited or jumping up and down. I mean I am happy for him but she wouldn't be my pick, if you know what I mean. She can be quite nice and extremely forgiving (almost to a fault) but let's face it, she has shit for brains.
A few weeks ago, my mother and I had plans to go up to Fargo and do a little shopping. I called my mom and asked if we should invite her along to feel "welcomed". It went surprisingly well. We got along swimmingly and I helped her pick out a wedding dress. It's beautiful and black. This will be her third marriage after all.
So after reading this story I just about died laughing. If this happens at my brothers wedding, I certainly hope I am not the one that will be the giver or taker of any blows. If it does happen and the "bride" gets a bruise, at least she will have something that's blue.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

the Hell...

  1. I have way too much gray hair for a girl my age and I can't financially keep up with it.
  2. Ford Excursions are way too gawd damned big to be on the road.
  3. I almost lost it at work today when a.)A program restore deleted 3 months of work and then b.)One of my bosses gives me a "project" to do in the middle of the catastrophe and says he needs it done today.

I swear I wanted to bite his hand but you know what they say bout that.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

What a month

So many thing have happened since I have last written anything. I think I may have to bullet this.

  • Quinn and I went to see Eric Clapton in concert. Fantastic. The music rocked!! The seats on the other did not. We could see the stage just fine but, they were right next to the isle at the top off the stairs going out to the hall. So all the people going out and coming back with their beers was quite distracting. Then to top it off I looked and Quinn and said, OMG What the fuck is that rancid smell??? Did someone puke?? Sure as the sun rises in the east, someone let loose about 10 feet behind me in the hall. Then to make it worse, there was a drunk couple that fell in it and smeared it around themselves...EEwwwwww
  • My bean has started gymnastics. She loves it and I hope to get her in more sessions this summer.
  • We received Jon's report card in the mail. People, my son is a pure genius. Can you say straight A's. I can only hope that he continues to do this well and knows that I am more proud of him than anything. Now if I can just figure how to get through to him with out getting into an argument or yelling match, or get him interested in anything besides his gaming.
  • I got my second tattoo last month. pictures are in flickr, look if you like.
  • Easter went as expected. Now I am not a religious person, far from it. So I celebrate the Easter bunny and Peter Rabbit part of it. My husband told bean about the Jesus thing, I just ignore it. We went to his Grandmothers house. She made a turkey dinner. I love his grandma, she is a big sweetheart but she is becoming forgetful. His mom and her boyfriend were there also. Now his mom is the nicest, most giving, caring, loving woman you could ever meet. Her boyfriend on the other hand...he is so fucking stupid that you could give him a piece of paper that had please turn over written on both sides and you could keep him busy for hours. As usual, he started in with shit he doesn't know all the facts about and it turned into an argument. I feared this. I said nothing to him for the first few hours but I could no longer hold my tongue. It was quite interesting.
  • Quinn ordered us a new bed. It shall be delivered next week. I am so stoked!!! One's a King and we have nothing but queen stuff. Up side to the problem...I get to go shopping.
  • Work has been going swimmingly, so nothing to complain much about there. I do have a my yearly evaluation coming up. I am interested in hearing what they have to say.
  • My brother informed me upon his returning home from Mexico, that he proposed to his girlfriend. I am not happy or excited about it one bit. I don't trust her farther than I can throw her and she is not the brightest bulb in the pack. oh well. It will be his first marriage, her third.

That's about it for now. Spring was here for a few days but left us again. The flicker birds, killdeers, and robins were here too but I haven't seen any in a few days.

My hands are freaking cold.

What a month

So many thing have happened since I have last written anything. I think I may have to bullet this.

  • Quinn and I went to see Eric Clapton in concert. Fantastic. The music rocked!! The seats on the other did not. We could see the stage just fine but, they were right next to the isle at the top off the stairs going out to the hall. So all the people going out and comming back with thier beers was quite distracting. Then to top it off I looked and Quinn and said, OMG What the fuck is that rancid smell??? Did someone puke?? Sure as the sun rises in the east, someone let loose about 10 feet behind me in the hall. Then to make it worse, there was a drunk couple that fell in it and smeared it around themselves...EEwwwwww
  • My bean has started gymnastics. She loves it and I hope to get her in more sessions this summer.
  • We received Jon's report card in the mail. People, my son is a pure genius. Can you say straight A's. I can only hope that he continues to do this well and knows that I am more proud of him than anything. Now if I can just figure how to get through to him with out getting into an arguement or yelling match, or get him interested in anything besides his gaming.
  • I got my second tattoo last month. pictures are in flickr, look if you like.
  • Easter went as expected. Now I am not a religous person, far from it. So I celebrate the Easter bunny and Peter Rabbit part of it. My husband told bean about the Jesus thing, I just ignore it. We went to his Grandmothers house. She made a turkey dinner. I love his grandma, she is a big sweetheart but she is becoming forgettful. His mom and her boyfriend were there also. Now his mom is the nicest, most giving, caring, loving woman you could ever meet. Her boyfriend on the other hand...he is so fucking stupid that you could give him a piece of paper that had please turn over written on both sides and you could kepp him busy for hours. As usual, he started in with shit he doesn't know all the facts about and it turned into an arguement. I feared this. I said nothing to him for the first few hours but I could no longer hold my tongue. It was quite interesting.
  • Quinn ordered us a new bed. It shall be delivered next week. I am so stoked!!! One's a King and we have nothing but queen stuff. Up side to the problem...I get to go shopping.
  • Work has been going swimmingly, so nothing to complain much about there. I do have a my yearly evaluation comming up. I am interested in hearing what they have to say.
  • My brother informed me upon his returning home from Mexico, that he proposed to his girlfriend. I am not happy or excited about it one bit. I don't trust her farther than I can throw her and she is not the brightest bulb in the pack. oh well. It will be his first marriage, her third.

That's about it for now. Spring was here for a few days but left us again. The flicker birds, killdeers, and robins were here too but I haven't seen any in a few days.

My hands are freaking cold.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

In the news...

So I found this story today. Man I tell you, I would have done the same thing. That is, if I thought about it. Sometime I just don't think about things until it's to late but since the woman couldn't afford having a child in the first place, she deserves some fundage.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

It's almost here

You see all that blue....Yeah, snow. I normally don't mind snow when the temp is nice and their is no wind, but guess I am not going to be so lucky today. I guess what gets me is that I have a shit load of things to do today and the wind is not letting up. This means I have to drive around in it. Wish me luck. I will let you know how it turns out.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

It's a beautiful day.

So last week my "boss" told me that he as off to sunny San Diego. He said that while he was away I should go to Hawaii or take a vacation. So what does that mean to you??? I heard, "Since I am going to be gone, why don't you take those days off too." OK So that I did. Most everyone had Monday off anyway, which was nice.
So today I had a hair appointment and had other errands to run in town. My appointment wasn't until 10 so I didn't have to leave till 9:30. I got up with Bean and Mr. sent them off on the bus and he left. I, went back to sleep. It was fantastic until I started to have a strange dream about my old car and not being able to drive anymore. The car started to make all these weird ringing and beep noises at me and I realized that the phone was ringing. Oh shit!! Not a problem but, my arms were so numb (I fell asleep on them) and you know how it is when you are waken up from a stupor.
Guess "boss". He gives me this big spiel about how he would like me to get all this shit done by the end of the week and find a very important piece of paper (that nobody knows the whereabouts) because person XYZ needs it by today. And he and his wife and kids are off to the zoo and they are moving hotels to be next to the beach.
what?? OK I will see what I can do for you.

OK What ever...I look at the clock and it's shortly after 9. After my heart slows down, I realized it was a good thing he called because I probably would have slept until 11.
Then the phone rings again about 5 minutes later. It's "bosses" Dad. He told me the same thing about the important papers business as if "boss" hadn't called him. People, I get told what to do most of the time, twice.
I got up and had a quick breakfast, washed my faced, got dressed and out the door I went. Oh my land. It was fantastic outside. At 9:40 it was already 28 degrees and the frost was absolutely beautiful! I cursed my appointment because I wanted to get the camera out and go take shots around the countryside but alas, Neely called....(Neely is my hair girl) So I was done with my appointment earlier than expected and ran all the errands all without my jacket.
Since my hair appointment and errands took less time than I thought, which was nice, I had time to stop and get some other things done at work that I had said I would.
By the time I arrived home it was 45 degrees and time to get ready for the evening.
We haven't this nice weather in a long time.
Perfect timing all around. Dinner was made, laundry was shuffled and I have Ice Cream making in the basement and it is almost done. That will my icing on the top of a beautiful day for me.

Saturday, February 17, 2007


This morning when we woke up, Mr. turned the tube on and Prairie Public had on I think was a McLaughlin Group or something. They were talking about Putin and Russia and how Putin told the Russian press how, in Lehman's terms, America is turning into garbage. Especially its' "ruler". Now please keep in mind that this is what I got out of the conversation and I am looking around for more information on the discussion. All I can say is this: I fucking hate the job that this President and his administration is doing. I also can't stand the President. When I hear him speak, I get ill. Then I feel like throwing shit at my television.

More to come.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Color me

I have a tattoo.
Which of course is not unusual for anyone these days. I enjoy a good ink pictures now and then and I must admit I have been bit by the ink bug again.
I want another tattoo. I have an idea of what I want but, I don't know, am I scared? Nervous? Unsure? I see the work done on shows like Miami Ink and I just melt. I think it's that I see the beautiful work done and get scared that I am not going to get something that is as good? Oh well. At least I get my crush off on Ami. I think he's fucking hot.

I think I am going to take my family out to eat at the local Mexican Restaurant. Nothing says I love you like really bad bean farts.
Enjoy your day!

Monday, February 12, 2007

2008 Here we come...

I as well as the Mr., enjoy listening to Barack Obama speak. He is clear and articulate. He sounds good. Smoker or not. To me, when I hear him (his voice) I want to pay attention. Is this weird? I don't know. I can tall you though, I got the same reaction when President Clinton spoke. I still do.
I will be paying close attention to all his coverage as well as all the other candidates very closely these next two years.

On another note, Mac got a sewing bug, and it spread rapidly. I finished sewing Beans nightgown last week. Look OK. For a girls pajamas. It gave me practice and courage to do other things.
I started a Holiday quilt many many years ago. So on Sunday morning I gathered all pieces and started laying it out. ...I hope I can have it done by the next Holiday season.

I would kick you in the...

I just heard a commercial on the radio for a Truck Stop restaurant. They are offering a Lovely Valentine dinner and inviting you to join them on the special day.

Note to Mr. and all other men out there.....Do NOT take your Valentine to a dinner or meal to a fucking Truck Stop. I don't care how good the "mashed potato's" are. I wouldn't eat in a truck stop if you paid me.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Weekends are for.

Yesterday was a good day. Slept in a bit, had and awesome breakfast with the Mr., and finished up my part of our taxes (I am done with it).
I printed off some of the pictures that I took at Muffins for moms day so I could bring them over to the subjects. Bean and I did it last night and it was fun visiting with them. They have four kids, two of which are twins and the house is in constant chaos. Bean stood there with the look of shock on her face because she is not used to that kind of....behavior?
So after I showered up and got ready I told the Mr. that I wanted to do something fun instead of sitting around the house. So after we picked Bean up from Grandma V's we took her to the bowling alley.
Apparently I am loading pictures incorrectly....

She had a good time and that was the pay off in the end.
Then we had drive all the way to Breck to pick Jon from his friends house. Alot of drive time but all worth it. I don't care if I have to drive like that more often.
Just have to be happy that the gas prices are not as high as they were.
Holy shit, when that stuff was up to 3 plus dollars a gallon....I wouldn't go hardly anywhere.

Today is a slack day for me. I didn't sleep much last night so tonight I will have to take something to assist in an all niter.
The weather was wonderful this early afternoon ( It actually got up to 30 degrees) so Mr. got the snowmobile going and took Bean out for a few rounds. Jon got off the computer for a while and took a ride too. I stayed in and did some sewing. Yeah I am that exciting. Then Mr. said I should get out and breathe in some fresh air. I am glad I did, it was refreshing.
I took Bean for a few rounds on the snow mobile and then we cleaned out my car. It needed it.

Now I have to go finish getting ready and help Jon make fruit and yogurt for his 4-H meeting tonight. We leave in T minus 95 minutes. eeeee

I will get all pictures up an Flickr.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Yeah for Grandma's and friends

Tonight, my dear friends, my children are gone! My daughter is at grandma's and my son is going to his buddy's. Niiicceeee.
The margarita cup floweth over.

Today was a busy afternoon for me. I brought Sammy in to get groomed, shopped, dropped Bean off at Grandma V's, picked up the dog, went grocery shopping, went home, made dinner...
OK, I am done.
TV time for me for a bit the maybe some business matters with the husband. oh, and of course, drinks are on the house!

Thank land it's Saturday tomorrow.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Come to the light.

Welcome, Welcome, all are welcome.

Please let me know if everything looks ok.

One thing I can't stand is when a blog is not pleasing on the eyes.

Hey now!

OK I am going to give it another shot.....

Maybe this time I won't make it so difficult for my unknowing self.
I hope you will stop in to see what I am up to and if I have figured out how to post my pictures.

I hope your bundled up, cuz it's cooollllddd out side!