Sunday, June 24, 2007

Always a first.

So, on Friday, Jon and I were on our way to go to the movies to see 1408. We had just gotten done with supper and Bean went with my mom. When I had turned onto Lincoln (which is a main street through town) and driving along when an asshole pulled out and hit my car. Nobody was seriously injured, Jon has a scraped knee and I have a sprained neck. The kid that hit me, who knows, I think he was ok. I will post pictures on Flickr. When I have a chance.
This was not a good start to my weekend. More to come.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Which Pinup am I??

What Pin Up girl are you?

you are the smartie pants! you're very intectual and love to read and write..its all'll be successful later on in life!
Take this quiz!

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Screaming meemee.

No, I don't have the shits. People, my dog does not bark. She screams.

It is not normal. When she sees a bird or rabbit or squirrel, she screams. What's even worse, if she sees a pheasant, she looses her shit completely and freaks out. It is a sight to behold.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Cuz it's all about me.

I have seen this on other sites and thought that maybe whoever reads this would be interested. Be forewarned, If you are not interested in me, please, click on the little x in the far right upper corner.

1. I have 3 major fears. Fire, mold, and something happening to my children like them getting killed, hurt, kidnapped, etc.,
I have another fear that is bothersome; old style vans. especially blue ones with no windows on the side.
2. I am too liberal for my own good. I do not care for the ideals of most Republicans. On the other hand, I am getting quite sick of Dems too. On that note, I am going to have to go for Obama in 08. That is if he is still in the running.
3. In my "young" age, I have become way to opinionated and honest about things. This is what I like/dislike, if you don't like it, whatever. I also will make it known that I either like you or not. I think I need a little adjustment on this and practice in tactics.
4. I am way overweight but not enough to qualify for lap band surgery. Dammit. I don't want to qualify for it either but hell if I want to quit eating. I just need to get back into the healthy swing of things again.
5. I like most people and enjoy making new friends. That said, if I find you are ignorant, I will drop you like a hot glass dish fresh out of the oven.
6. I am way NOT religious. In fact, I dislike most organized religions. I don't have a problem if you or your neighbor worship JC, Allah, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or whatevah! I just prefer not to.

So there you have it. A few tidbits about me. Take it or leave it. Now write 6 things about yourself.

So there you have it. A few things about me

My June.

And again I see why I like the fact that Blog spot is free, I don't post enough to pay to have a "real" website. I have been monkeying with Myspace but quite frankly, I dislike it.

These last few weeks have been quite, oh, normal. Nothing out of the ordinary but I thought I would again give you my update in bullet form:

  • We have had quite the weather here. Way to wet for any ones taste. More rain to come today which we all do not care for or want. We had some overland flooding and the river just couldn't take it all in at once so some fields were under for a few days.

  • I got a call from an old friend of mine to out for some BINGO! last night. I had a good time with her and because we split the pot we each ended up with 30.00 which covered the cost of the evening. I hope next time we go out that I actually win a game or two along with her so we can home with even more winnings. We did go out last winter and I think we both walked out with like 100.00 each. That's what I'm talking about. (Hi J!!)

  • I went fishing last weekend with Quinn and Gramps, I was hoping for a few good Crappie and sunfish to cook up and I ended up with an (to me) enormous Bass!! I caught it on the new pole Quinn bought for me. I think it was pure luck. You can see pictures of them before I cooked them.

  • Work has been going well, slow, but well. I got a raise at my last review so I cannot complain about these awesome people that I work for.

  • As I am typing this, the Storm is approaching. I hear thunder and the rain is starting. Not Good.

  • My brothers Fiancee' has yet to call me to ask for any help with any of the wedding stuff. I think I am glad, I really want no part of the whole farce, but, I love my brother so I will suffer through.

  • My garden is coming along swimmingly everything is up and as soon as it ever dries out I have to get out there and like a mofo.

OK I am now home after a heinous tornado warning, downpour, and hail. omg. More to come, please stayed tuned.